Refund policy

  1. Refund Eligibility

    Customers are eligible for a full refund within the first seven (7) calendar days following the date of purchase.

  2. Refund Process

    To request a refund, customers must contact our customer support team at with their order number and a brief reason for the refund.

  3. Refund Timeframe

    Upon approval, refunds will be processed and credited back to the original payment method within ten (10) business days.

  4. Late or Missing Refunds

    If you haven't received a refund within the stipulated timeframe, first check with your bank or credit card company. It may take some time before your refund is officially posted. If you've done this and still haven't received your refund, please contact us at

  5. Discounted Speeches

    Speeches purchased using a discount/coupon code are not eligible for refunds.

  6. Amendments to the Refund Policy

    ToastieAI reserves the right to amend this refund policy at any time. All amendments will be posted on this page.